2013. szeptember 24., kedd

As I promised...

Here is another contemporary basket I've been working on lately!
The small basket is made of brown and buff willow and it can be used to store wooden spoons or other kitchen utensils; the handle is rather "contemporary"...it is made of a thick willow stick I found on the way home :) I already sold this piece, but will probably make more; I kinda enjoy making small items these days!

2013. szeptember 14., szombat

Not another fairy?!

Well, yes :) I am still obsessed with these felt fairies! My latest favourite is Miss Carrotta; just looove the way her hair turned out...for which, I used wool yarn this time.
She even has a little organge butterfly in her hair!
The fairy is 100% handcrafted, made of quality merino wool and recycled organza fabric.
Don't worry, I haven't given up basket making either, next time will show you some of my latest items!